July 15, 2019

Facebook & Instagram Advertising Strategy

Get More of the Clients You Want Through Facebook & Instagram Advertising. Reach New Clients Locally, as Well as Worldwide. Guaranteed!!

Connect with the EXACT audience that you want on Social Media, and convert them in to loyal clients!

In the last 4 years, the number of Adults in the U.S. engaging in Facebook and Instagram, grew by 61 Million! Thats a 50% rate of growth over the last 4 years. Not only are more adults engaged in Facebook and Instagram, they’re spending more time doing so, at an average 1 hour and 46 minutes per day. Businesses all over the world are serving these people Ads everyday and BOOMING their business, you can too!

What makes our Facebook and Instagram Advertising so powerful?

Laser Focused Targeting

The Facebook Ad Platform (interchangeable with Instagram) is now so sophisticated, you can laser focus your ads on virtually any type of person that you want. Things like Location, Age, Gender, Interests, Job Title, etc.. are just scratching the surface of what you can do. You can even target users who have shown interest in your competitors products and services! There are endless ways to reach the exact audience you want, and we are your key for the door to success on Social Media Advertising!

Return on Investment Optimization

Thanks to the detailed analytics that we track for each and every one of our clients, we can ensure that you see the highest ROI possible on your Ad campaign. Every week we can go over the data on what ads performed well for what audience, down to the exact cost per view, and then adjust accordingly. We will always make sure you get the highest quality result, at the lowest possible price.


By now you may have heard of the Facebook and Instagram “Pixel”. You may or may not know what this is. The Pixel is an incredibly powerful tool that ensures that anyone who even shows a little bit of interest in your product or services is shown your ads on a large scale. When a user interacts with an ad, or visits your website, the pixel starts tracking them based on their social media account, and serving your ads to them EVERYWHERE they go, until their interest turns in to a conversion to a paying customer. This is referred to as “Re-Targeting”.

Guaranteed Reach

These days, reaching potential new customers organically on social media can be incredibly difficult. There is just so much data on these platforms, that really the only way to be seen organically is to go viral. This is why launching a Social Media Ad campaign with us is SO powerful. You are guaranteed to reach the exact audience that you want to sell your products or services to. Pretty powerful stuff right? Not only that, but you are not limited in any way, you can reach anyone, anywhere, anytime!

Ready to Get Started?

We are a full service Facebook and Instagram Ad agency. We set up and run your campaign for you 100%, so you can stick to handling all the new clients and growing your business. We will build you your perfect audience, write incredible ad copy, design gorgeous ad images, and track all of your results. Each and every week we are monitoring and fine tuning your account to ensure you are always getting the best results possible.

Call Now: (844) 581-4826

Check Out Some Example Ads!

Lawyers & Legal Teams

Chiropractors & Wellness

Insurance Agents

Call Now: (844) 581-4826 To Get Started!!

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